On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, the Officers and officials of Department of Post took Pledge in Allahabad GPO campus and other Post offices for cleanliness with the resolution to clean India under cleanliness drive. Mr. Krishna Kumar Yadav Director postal services Allahabad sworn in officers and other employees of office of Postmaster General, Office of Sr Supdt Post offices, Postal store depot and Head Post Office Allahabad in the Allahabad GPO campus. The members of postal family were made to pledge for cleanliness of their home, locality along with their offices. Everyone took Pledge for voluntary labour of 100 hours every year i.e. 2 hour per week to materialize the resolution of sanitation.
On this occasion Mr. M.E. Haque Postmaster General and Mr. Krishna Kumar Yadav Director Postal services took initiative of cleanliness by sweeping the campus of Allahabad GPO and plantation to motivate the staff. After this every employee of Department of Post did sanitation with dedication. It was also decided that every employee of the department will participate in voluntary labour for two hours on every Friday.
On this occasion Mr. Rahmatullah, Sr. Supdt. Of POs, Mr. T.B. Singh & Mr. M.P. Mishra Asst. Director, Mr. P.R Pal Supdt. Postal Store Depot and Mr. O. B. Singh Sr. Postmaster have also participated in voluntary labour along with other employees to kick start the sanitation process.
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